I love this work!


Shooting commercials - easy does it!

You may think that this job is easy and a no brainer, and it is! This doesn’t mean you don’t require skills and patience. When I say it’s a no brainer, I mean I go to work, do my job and then I leave the set. End of story. No after work, no late nights, no meetings, no strategies, no budgets, I don’t even need to have an opinion. Some people may think it sounds boring and to me, it’s my dream job. I show up, am beautified, meet amazing people, do as they say. No decisions to make. I do what I enjoy and receive tons of positive confirmation, I also get to swop from one beautiful husband to another…!
I hope to call this my day job, full time job in the not so far future.

Love, Shama

Me and my latest (not last) husband Ingemar

Me and my latest (not last) husband Ingemar


Age as an asset


Odd Molly